Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient. which means we have to get it from an external source.

There are 3 sources of B12 available to us.

  • Animal sources
  • Fortified foods
  • Supplements 

Animal sources include liver, fish, and eggs, but our ability to absorb the b-12 is an important factor, due to stomach acids our bodies cannot absorb all the b12 we take in.

Fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, plant milk, and imitation meats, help but again absorption is an issue,
B12 Supplements,  injectable B12 shots,  are the most concentrated source.

B12 is critical in red blood cell production, Brain function, and cardiovascular health.

Many people are vitamin B12 deficient and don’t even know it, as we age our levels of stored B12 decrease, If you are vegan and do not eat animal products or are diabetic and have been taking metformin for a while your ability to absorb vitamin B12 may be reduced.

Signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are fatigue or low energy, weakness, numbness ( neuropathy), pale skin ( due to the decrease in red blood cell production, red blood cells carry oxygen through the body), memory loss, or brain fog, problems with balance, and mood disorders or depression.

Blood test to check your B12 levels MMA Methylmalonic acid.

Some of the benefits of b12 injections include:

  • Improvement of mood, energy, and concentration
  • Helps the body to metabolize fat
  • Reduction of risk for heart disease and stroke
  • Improved circadian rhythm for better sleep
  • Boost to the immune system